Congratulations to former GHS football player, Tajae White, for continuing to win at the next level for Hendrix College and the DIII Southern Athletic Association. All-SAA First Team wide receiver! We are so proud of you! We are Lion Pride! We lead the way in everything we pursue after graduation, too!
Congratulations to our GUE students who got to attend the December Superintendent's Reading Award Luncheon on Monday! It was a BLAST 🎄 Thank you, Mrs. Childress & Mrs. Sears!
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet camera-shy Mary! #experiencethepride
Mark your calendars for the Arkansas Virtual Transition Fair! Learn what programs and services are available to your child after graduation! This is for any student in high school, any student receiving 504 services, and any student receiving special education services.
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet Denise! #experiencethepride
Happy Thanksgiving, Lions! 🦃 #experiencethepride
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet Lesa! #experiencethepride
Thankful for the opportunity to have lunch with these great GDE readers! Congratulations to the November Superintendent's Reading Award winners!
Loved celebrating with these great GUE students at the November Superintendent's Reading Award Luncheon!
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet Sara! #experiencethepride
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet Kim! #experiencethepride
Tonight's School Board meeting will NOT be live-streamed due to technical issues ❗ Click here to see the Agenda so you don't miss a thing:
Mark your calendars 📅 GHS Drama presents "The Election" 🎭 A hilarious and timely satire on the contemporary political scene! There will be two showings available. Saturday, Nov. 12th at 7pm and Sunday, Nov. 13th at 2pm. Tickets are $5.
The Arkansas Department of Education released school ratings today! CONGRATULATIONS to Gravette Middle School for earning an "A" ranking and Gravette High School for earning a "B" ranking. Gravette Upper Elementary and Glenn A. Duffy Elementary followed closely behind! 🥳 These ratings are based on academic excellence, growth, and school quality. We are Lion Pride! We lead the way in everything we pursue! #experiencethepride
Mark your calendars ❗ PRIDE NIGHT for our Winter sports is TOMORROW 🦁 Get ready to get LOUD 👏 Our basketball teams will be scrimmaging and then our wrestling team will do a live demo as well! In addition, the Gravette Band Boosters are holding a taco dinner starting at 5:30pm in the Arena. Don't miss out!
Mark your calendars ❗ PRIDE NIGHT for our Winter sports is on Monday 🦁 Get ready to get LOUD 👏 Our basketball teams will be scrimmaging and then our wrestling team will do a live demo as well! In addition, the Gravette Band Boosters are holding a taco dinner starting at 5:30pm in the Arena. Don't miss out!
You still have time to make it to Bright Futures Food Pantry ‼ It's a first come first serve distribution. 4-6pm at the Western Benton Country Career Center. Make sure to follow Bright Futures Gravette's Facebook page for all things food pantry 🧡
TAKE THE SUPERINTENDENT CHALLENGE and win like these Lions did!! Find Mrs. Childress at tonight's home football game and be one of the first 10 students or community members to accurately recite the district's vision statement and receive a coupon for a free drink from the concession stand. "We are Lion Pride! We lead the way in everything we pursue!" Go Lions!
Congratulations to these GDE Superintendent Reading Award Winners for the month of October! We celebrated with a Spider Luncheon last Friday. Keep up the great work, GDE!
Meet our Staff Mondays 🧡🦁 Meet Josh! #experiencethepride