Gifted and Talented Education

Rachel Gibson Photo

Rachel Gibson

GMS Director of Gifted and Talented Program

Contact Information


Megan Boyd

K - 5 Enrichment/Gifted and Talented Teacher

Contact Information


The gifted and talented program in the Gravette School District is built on a fundamental belief in serving the needs of all our students as unique individuals. We believe that gifted and talented individuals have special characteristics and learning styles, and that their potential for accomplishment is such that they require special provisions, experiences, and services not provided for in the regular instructional program.

We are committed to providing a program for identifying and meeting the needs and interests of our gifted students. The identification and placement of these gifted and talented students will be based on documented objective and subjective evidence of above average ability, creative thinking, and task commitment.


Gifted and Talented programs across the state are regulated by the Arkansas Department of Education. This department states that, “Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated education experiences and/or services. Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and/or motivation, and creative ability.” (Standard 3.01)

The identification process allows for a variety of people to nominate a student for consideration in the Gifted and Talented program, such as teachers, support staff, administrators, and parents.  Data is collected on the nominated student to aid in making the decision as to whom is selected for this program. Both objective and subjective data is collected, and these tests look at ability, achievement, and creativity.  Once the data is collected, a committee of at least six people looks at all the data and makes a decision. “Student placement decisions are based on multiple criteria. No single criterion or cut-off score is used to include or exclude a student.” (Standard 7.08)

Gravette provides Enrichment lessons for lower elementary students. A once-a-week pullout program is offered at the elementary level for identified Gifted and Talented students, and at the middle school, students receive services daily through a Gifted Social Studies class. The emphasis is on higher-level thinking skills, creativity, and affective growth. In the high school, students typically take honors, Pre-AP, Advanced Placement, and dual credit classes, as well as have a Gifted seminar class once a month.

How can my child and I get involved?

Referral forms for students are available from the secretary at Glenn Duffy, Upper, and from the Gifted and Talented Director at the Middle School. Once completed, the form can be returned to the secretary or mailed to:

Rachel Gibson
Director of Gifted and Talented Program
Gravette Middle School
607 Dallas St. SE
Gravette, AR 72736 

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