Dustin Mapes Photo

Dustin Mapes


District Communications Specialist

Contact Information

Our school district has a rich history of success, innovation, and dedication. Today, that tradition grows even stronger as Gravette students, teachers, and staff members pursue excellence in the classroom, on the field, and within the community. Sharing these positive stories not only highlights the hard work and passion that drive our district forward, but also fosters a stronger connection between our schools and the families we serve. By celebrating these moments, we continue to build a culture of pride, support, and inspiration throughout our district, while keeping all stakeholders informed of the great things happening in our schools.

Transparency and Privacy

Gravette School District recognizes that broadcast, print, and internet media are important sources of information in our community. We also recognize the importance of ensuring the safety and privacy of students, staff, and families. If you come across any information that raises questions or worries, we encourage you to reach out and inform our staff. Your concerns matter to us and will be taken seriously. Open communication is vital, and we are here to listen, clarify, and promptly address any issues. Together, we can ensure that our district protects privacy while remaining a place of transparency, trust, and positivity.

Share Your Story

If you would like to see certain information or an event covered on our website or social media pages, please use the form linked below to submit your ideas directly to our communications staff.

Brand Usage and Guidelines

The Gravette School District logo is the cornerstone of our visual identity. Our Gravette Lion is a registered trademark and may not be altered in any way. A trademark licensing program gives the district control over its logo, thus ensuring the quality and consistency of all uses and merchandise. The Gravette School District Gravette Lion logo is protected by law. To learn more and access our "Logo Use Request Form" found on the Brand and Style Guidelines page linked below.