According to state guidelines, students have 30 days from the date of enrollment to have all required immunizations or be in the process of getting the immunizations or acquire an exemption from the state. The Benton County Department of Health offers the required immunizations. Its phone number is 479-986-1300.
All students Kindergarten through 12th Grade must have the following: (State of Arkansas Immunization Requirements - effective Sept. 1, 2014)
4 doses of DTaP with one dose after 4th birthday
3 or 4 doses of polio with one dose after 4th birthday
2 doses of Varicella (chickenpox)
May accept written documentation of history of chickenpox disease from
M.D. /D.O. /A.P.N. /P.A. only. Can no longer accept parental history of disease
2 doses of MMR
3 doses of Hepatitis B
If your child is entering Kindergarten they must have:
1 dose of Hepatitis A
If your child is entering 1st Grade they must have:
1 dose of Hepatitis A
If your child will be age 11 or older on or before September 1st they must have:
1 dose of Tdap
If your child will be entering 7th Grade they must have:
1 dose of Meningococcal Meningitis
If your child will be age 16 on or before September 1st they must have:
1 or 2 doses of Meningococcal Meningitis (only one dose required if 1st dose is received on or after age 16)
If you have addition questions, visit our Health Services page to find your child's school nurse, and ask away! Click here.